Vacuum Gauges
Vaccon vacuum gauges are used in almost every area of automation including applications in pneumatics, process control, packaging, printing, medical, food and pharmaceutical. Glycerin filled gauges extend gauge life and increase readability by dampening pulsing and vibration. All glycerin filled gauges feature a stainless steel case and bezel. All gauges are protected with a limiting orifice to limit pressure shock. Standard dial faces have a dual scale in "Hg and Bar.

Features / Benefits
♦ Accurate monitoring – easy visual confirmation for operator, ensures consistent performance ♦ Effective diagnostic tool – debug and troubleshoot systems ♦ Economical – low cost, long life
♦ Dry or glyercin filled ♦ 3 mounting positions: bottom mount, center back mount or panel mount ♦ 2 dial sizes ♦ Materials available: Black ABS or Steel