Compact Rope Vibration Isolator
Compact Wire Rope Isolators. Smaller than traditional wire ropes, these unique isolators provide cost-effective, simultaneous shock and Enidine Compact Wire Rope Isolators feature an easy, single-point installation, which allows them to be installed in virtually any application. Their small size also permits the isolation of individual system components, making them ideal for use in sensitive equipment and electronics. Just as with our standard Enidine Wire Rope Isolators, Enidine Compact Wire Rope Isolators feature a patented, all-metal design and components that ensure maximum reliability, regardless of temperature or substrate requirement, and that can help meet MILSPECS similar to those of our Wire Rope Isolator series. Please refer to our “Compact Wire Rope Isolator Sizing Information” on pages 149-150 for more information. If your application is outside the standard Compact Wire Rope Isolator product range, please consult the standard Wire Rope Isolator or HERM portions of this catalog. If a standard solution is still not available, Enidine engineers can design an isolator to suit your specifications. |